I have 159x 15K RPM SAS drives I want to build a ZFS appliance with.  

75x 145G
60x 300G
24x 600G

The box has 4 CPUs, 256G of RAM, 14x 100G SLC SSDs for the cache and a mirrored 
pair of 4G DDRDrive X1s for the SLOG.

My plan is to mirror all these drives and keep some hot spares.

My question is:  should I create three pools (one for each size of drives) and 
share the cache and slog among them or should I create a single pool with them 

I'm thinking of creating a single pool to get maximum IOPS early on, even tho I 
understand that once I'll have filled the 145G drives I'll end up having 
smaller stripes and less performances.

Would you do the same?  Is there any reason not to do that?

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