On 12/16/10 9:11 AM -0500 Linder, Doug wrote:
The only thing I'll add is that I, as I said, I really don't care at all
about licenses.

Then you have no room to complain or even suggest a specific license!

 When it comes to licenses, to me (and, I suspect, the
vast majority of other OSS users), "GPL" is "synonymous with "open
source".  Is that correct?  No.  Am I aware that plenty of other licenses
exist?  Yes.  Is the issue important?  Sure.


 Do I have time or interest
to worry about niggly little details?  No.

Well the problem with licenses is that they are decidedly NOT niggly
little details.  You should consider re-evaluating what you have time
or interest for, if you care about the things you say (such as maximum
and flexible use of the products you are using).

 All I want is to be able to
use the best technology in the ways that are most useful to me without
artificial restrictions.  Anything that advances that, I'm for.

CDDL is close to that, much closer than GPL.

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