For anyone that is interested, here's a progress report.

I created a new pool with only one mirror vdev of 2 disks, namely with the new 
SAMSUNG HD204UI. These drives, along with the older HD203WI, use Advanced 
Format Technology (e.g. 4K sectors). Only these drives had hard errors in my 
pool, as opposed the the old Seagates and WDs. 

To create the new pool, I recompiled the zpool cmd to give the value of ashift 
12 so that the new pool has an alignement of 4K instead of 512 bytes (see here 

So I filled this new 4K aligned pool with 1.5TB of data, scrubbed it and no 
errors. I checked the log and no hard errors either. Usually after a scrub I 
get some hard errors.

Maybe the pool needs to have more vdevs in it to really stress the HBA and 
produce hard errors, but it's a strange coincidence nonetheless that only the 
4K drives had errors and then when used in a 4K aligned pool, no more errors.

I'll probably re-create my original pool with only 4K drives in a 4K aligned 
pool and see what happens.
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