Hi All,

I believe this has been asked before, but I wasn’t able to find too much
information about the subject. Long story short, I was moving data around on
a storage zpool of mine and a zfs destroy <filesystem> hung (or so I
thought). This pool had dedup turned on at times while imported as well;
it’s running on a Nexenta Core 3.0.1 box (snv_134f).

The first time the machine was rebooted, it hung at the “Loading ZFS
filesystems” line  after loading the kernel; I booted the box with all
drives unplugged and exported the pool. The machine was rebooted, and now
the pool is hanging on import (zpool import –Fn Nalgene). I’m using
“0t2761::pid2proc|::walk thread|::findstack" | mdb –k” to try and view what
the import processes is doing, but I’m not a hard-core ZFS/Solaris dev so I
don’t know if I’m reading the output correctly, but it appears that ZFS is
continuing to delete a snapshot/FS from before (reading from the top down):

stack pointer for thread ffffff01ce408e00: ffffff0008f2b1f0

[ ffffff0008f2b1f0 _resume_from_idle+0xf1() ]

  ffffff0008f2b220 swtch+0x145()

  ffffff0008f2b250 cv_wait+0x61()

  ffffff0008f2b2a0 txg_wait_open+0x7a()

  ffffff0008f2b2e0 dmu_tx_wait+0xb3()

  ffffff0008f2b320 dmu_tx_assign+0x4b()

  ffffff0008f2b3b0 dmu_free_long_range_impl+0x12b()

  ffffff0008f2b400 dmu_free_object+0xe6()

  ffffff0008f2b710 dsl_dataset_destroy+0x122()

  ffffff0008f2b740 dsl_destroy_inconsistent+0x5f()

  ffffff0008f2b770 findfunc+0x23()

  ffffff0008f2b850 dmu_objset_find_spa+0x38c()

  ffffff0008f2b930 dmu_objset_find_spa+0x153()

  ffffff0008f2b970 dmu_objset_find+0x40()

  ffffff0008f2ba40 spa_load_impl+0xb23()

  ffffff0008f2bad0 spa_load+0x117()

  ffffff0008f2bb50 spa_load_best+0x78()

  ffffff0008f2bbf0 spa_import+0xee()

  ffffff0008f2bc40 zfs_ioc_pool_import+0xc0()

  ffffff0008f2bcc0 zfsdev_ioctl+0x177()

  ffffff0008f2bd00 cdev_ioctl+0x45()

  ffffff0008f2bd40 spec_ioctl+0x5a()

  ffffff0008f2bdc0 fop_ioctl+0x7b()

  ffffff0008f2bec0 ioctl+0x18e()

  ffffff0008f2bf10 sys_syscall32+0xff()

I have this in a loop running every 15 secs, and I’ll occasionally see some
ddt_* lines as well (current dedup ratio is 1.05). The ratio was originally
about 1.09 when I started the import (from zdb –e Nalgene); is the system
doing something special, or is this just ZFS destroying the pending-deletion
data causing the ratio to change? As far as the import, is there any
estimate I can make as to how long the process will take? I’ve had it
running since Saturday morning (~36 hours now) through a couple system

The zpool is a 7-disk raidz2 (5tb useable, 2tb used) with 4GB of RAM (8GB
coming tomorrow which I’ll put in to use) running on an AMD Phenom II X4

Thanks in advance!


*Stephen Repetski*

BS Applied Networking and Systems Administration, 2013

Rochester Institute of Technology, Thomas Jefferson HS S&T

skr3...@rit.edu | srepe...@srepetsk.net

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