Ok, I read a bit more on TRIM. It seems that without TRIM, there will be more 
unnecessary reads and writes on the SSD, the result being that writes can take 
long time.

A) So, how big of a problem is it? Sun has for long sold SSDs (for L2ARC and 
ZIL), and they dont use TRIM? So, is TRIM not a big concern says Sun?

B) And you talk about DRAM based SSDs, that are immune to TRIM and such 
problems. How much do they cost, where can I find them? 

C) I have been waiting for Intels next gen SSD3, the G3, which will be released 
11 march. But Solaris does not support TRIM. Or, ZFS supports TRIM, but the OS 
does not use it. When can we expect TRIM support in Solaris? Shortly, or it is 
not planned? The next release? Does it require a major rewrite of Solaris? Is 
it much work? 

D) Will OpenIndiana and Illumos tackle the TRIM problem?
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