> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dcpool/nodedup/bigzerofile
Ahh- I misunderstood your pool layout earlier. Now I see what you were doing.

>People on this forum have seen and reported that adding a 100Mb file tanked 
> multiterabyte pool's performance, and removing the file boosted it back up.
Sadly I think several of those posts were mine or those of coworkers.

> Disks that have been in use for a longer time may have very fragmented free
> space on one hand, and not so much of it on another, but ZFS is still trying 
> to push
> bits around evenly. And while it's waiting on some disks, others may be 
> blocked as
> well. Something like that...
This could explain why performance would go up after a large delete but I've 
not seen large wait times for any of my disks. The service time, percent busy, 
and every other metric continues to show nearly idle disks.

If this is the problem- it would be nice if there were a simple zfs or dtrace 
query that would show it to you.
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