
Trying to understand how to backup mirrored zfs boot pool 'rpool' to tape,
and restore it back if in case the disks are lost.
Backup would be done with an enterprise tool like tsm, legato etc.

As an example, here is the layout:

# zfs list
NAME                                  USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                                64.5G   209G    97K  legacy
rpool/ROOT                           24.0G   209G    21K  legacy
rpool/ROOT/s10s_u8wos_08a              24G  14.8G  5.15G  /
rpool/ROOT/s10s_u8wos_08a/var           4G  3.93G  74.6M  /var
rpool/dump                           2.50G   209G  2.50G  -
rpool/swap                             16G   225G   136M  -

Could you answer these queries:

1. Is it possible to backup 'rpool' as a single entity, or do we need to
backup each filesystems, volumes etc. within rpool seperately ?

2. How do we backup the whole structure of zfs (pool, filesystem, volume,
snapshot etc.) along with all its property settings. Not just the actual
data stored within.

3. If in case the whole structure cannot be backed up using enterprise
backup, how do we save and restore zfs sctructure if in case the disks are
lost. I have read about 'zfs send receive ...'. Is this the only recommended
way ?

4. I have never tried to restore a whole boot disk from tape. Could you
share some details on how to rebuild the boot disks by restoring from tape.

5. I have set 'rpool/ROOT' mountpoint to 'legacy' as I don't see any reason
to mount it. Not sure if it's a right thing to do. Any suggestions ?

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