On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Matthew Ahrens <mahr...@delphix.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Matt Weatherford 
> <m...@u.washington.edu>wrote:
>> pike# zpool get version internal
>> internal  version   28       default
>> pike# zpool get version external-J4400-12x1TB
>> NAME                   PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
>> external-J4400-12x1TB  version   28       default
>> pike#
>> Can I expect to move my JBOD over to a different OS such as FreeBSD,
>> Illuminos, or Solaris  and be able to get my data off still?  (by this i
>> mean perform a zpool import on another platform)
> Yes, because zpool version 28 is supported in Illumos.  I'm sure Oracle
> Solaris does or will soon support it too.  According to Wikipedia, "the
> 9-current development branch [of FreeBSD] uses ZFS Pool version 28".

Correct.  FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (dev branch that will be released as 9.0 at some
point) as of March or April includes support for ZFSv28.

And FreeBSD 8-STABLE (dev branch that will be released as 8.3 at some point)
has patches available to support ZFSv28 here:

ZFS-on-FUSE for Linux currently only supports ZFSv23.

So you can "safely" use Illumos, Nexenta, FreeBSD, etc with ZFSv28.  You can
also use Solaris 11 Express, so long as you don't upgrade the pool version
(SolE includes ZFSv31).

Freddie Cash
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