On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 09:36 -0700, Freddie Cash wrote:
> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Matthew Ahrens <mahr...@delphix.com>
> wrote:
>         On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Matt Weatherford
>         <m...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>                 pike# zpool get version internal
>                 NAME      PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
>                 internal  version   28       default
>                 pike# zpool get version external-J4400-12x1TB
>                 NAME                   PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
>                 external-J4400-12x1TB  version   28       default
>                 pike#
>                 Can I expect to move my JBOD over to a different OS
>                 such as FreeBSD, Illuminos, or Solaris  and be able to
>                 get my data off still?  (by this i mean perform a
>                 zpool import on another platform)
>         Yes, because zpool version 28 is supported in Illumos.  I'm
>         sure Oracle Solaris does or will soon support it too.
>          According to Wikipedia, "the 9-current development branch [of
>         FreeBSD] uses ZFS Pool version 28".
> Correct.  FreeBSD 9-CURRENT (dev branch that will be released as 9.0
> at some point) as of March or April includes support for ZFSv28.
> And FreeBSD 8-STABLE (dev branch that will be released as 8.3 at some
> point) has patches available to support ZFSv28 here:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~mm/patches/zfs/v28/
> ZFS-on-FUSE for Linux currently only supports ZFSv23.
> So you can "safely" use Illumos, Nexenta, FreeBSD, etc with ZFSv28.
> You can also use Solaris 11 Express, so long as you don't upgrade the
> pool version (SolE includes ZFSv31).
> -- 
> Freddie Cash
> fjwc...@gmail.com

[Note: none of this is proprietary Oracle knowledge, and I do not speak
as an Oracle representative in any way]

The Fishworks stuff runs on a version of Solaris 11 - it's not some
forked Solaris branch.  So, when Solaris 11 finally ships, you can
expect that the latest Solaris 11 Update + CRU (patches) should always
be able to fully utilize any Fishworks-written volume.

As pointed out above by others, however, I would never count on a
Fishworks volume (particularly one which used the latest-available
Fishworks software update) being able to be read on *anything* other
than Solaris 11.  As S11 advances, Fishworks gets updated too, so the
ZFS/zpool version number advances.

Solaris 11 is due out RSN, which means probably sometime before the end
of the calendar year. But who knows, and Oracle hasn't officially
announced a launch date for S11.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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