I'm looking to create a NAS with versioning for non-technical users (Windows and Mac). I want the users to be able to simply save a file, and a revision/snapshot is created. I could use a revision control software like SVN (it has autoversioning with WebDAV), and I will if this filesystem level idea does not pan out. However, since this is a NAS for any files(Word, JPEGs, MP3, etc), not just source code, I thought doing this at the filesystem level via some kind of COW would be better.

So now my (ignorant) question: can ZFS make a snapshot every time it's written to? Can all writes be available as snapshots so all previous "versions" are available? Or does one need to explicitly create a snapshot?

I've read about auto-snapshot. But that seems like nice cron job (scheduled snapshots). Am I mistaken?

I looked in to ext3cow, next3, and then some. ZFS seems the most stable and ready for use. However, is the above possible? Or how is it possible? Is there a better way of doing this? Other filesystems?

Thanks for ideas and suggestions,

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