On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk <r...@karlsbakk.net> wrote:
> Most drives should work well for a pure SSD pool. I have a postgresql 
> database on a linux box on a mirrored set of C300s. AFAIK ZFS doesn't yet 
> support TRIM, so that can be an issue. Apart from that, it should work well.

Interesting-- what is the suspected impact of not having TRIM support?
 I would imagine this might cause slow writes after some time of use,
since the OS isn't able to tell the drive what blocks have been freed,
so the drive doesn't get a chance to "pre-erase" those blocks before
another write comes along that would occupy them anew.

I'm contemplating a similar setup for some servers, so I'm interested
if other people have been operating pure-SSD zpools and what their
experiences have been.

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