um, this is what xargs -P is for ...


On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 07:24:52PM +0400, Jim Klimov wrote:
> 2011-07-14 15:48, Frank Van Damme ?????:
>> It seems counter-intuitive - you'd say: concurrent disk access makes  
>> things only slower - , but it turns out to be true. I'm deleting a  
>> dozen times faster than before. How completely ridiculous. Thank you 
>> :-)
> Well, look at it this way: it is not only about singular disk accesses
> (i.e. unlike other FSes, you do not in-place modify a directory entry),
> with ZFS COW it is about rewriting a tree of block pointers, with any
> new writes going into free (unreferenced ATM) disk blocks anyway.
> So by hoarding writes you have a chance to reduce mechanical
> IOPS required for your tasks. Until you run out of RAM ;)
> Just in case it helps, to quickly fire up removals of the specific  
> directory
> after yet another reboot of the box, and not overwhelm it with hundreds
> of thousands queued "rm"processes either, I made this script as /bin/RM:
> ===
> #!/bin/sh
> SLEEP=10
> [ x"$1" != x ] && SLEEP=$1
> A=0
> # To rm small files: find ... -size -10
> find /export/OLD/PATH/TO/REMOVE -type f | while read LINE; do
>   du -hs "$LINE"
>   rm -f "$LINE" &
>   A=$(($A+1))
>   [ "$A" -ge 100 ] && ( date; while [ `ps -ef | grep -wc rm` -gt 50 ]; do
>      echo "Sleep $SLEEP..."; ps -ef | grep -wc rm ; sleep $SLEEP; ps -ef 
> | grep -wc rm;
>   done
>   date ) && A="`ps -ef | grep -wc rm`"
> done ; date
> ===
> Essentially, after firing up 100 "rm attempts" it waits for the "rm"
> process count to go below 50, then goes on. Sizing may vary
> between systems, phase of the moon and computer's attitude.
> Sometimes I had 700 processes stacked and processed quickly.
> Sometimes it hung on 50...
> HTH,
> //Jim
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