> From: Bob Friesenhahn [mailto:bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:58 AM
> > You know what?  A year ago I would have said dedup still wasn't stable
> > enough for production.  Now I would say it's plenty stable enough...
But it
> > needs performance enhancement before it's truly useful for most cases.
> What has changed for you to change your mind?  Did the zfs code change
> in the past year, or is this based on experience with the same old
> stagnant code?

No idea.  I assume they've been patching, and I don't hear many people
complaining of dedup instability on this list anymore.  But the other option
is that nothing's changed, and only my perception has changed.  I
acknowledge that's possible.

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