> I'll tell you what does not help.  This email.  Now that you know what
> you're trying to do, why don't you post the results of your "zpool
> import" command?  How about an error message, and how you're trying to
> go about fixing your pool?  Nobody here can help you without
> information.
User     tty           login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what                         
root     console       9:25pm                      w                            
root@cn03:~# df                                                                 
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on              
                      94109412   6880699  87228713   8% /                       
swap                 108497952       344 108497608   1% /etc/svc/volatile       
                      94109412   6880699  87228713   8% /lib/libc.so.1          
swap                 108497616         8 108497608   1% /tmp                    
swap                 108497688        80 108497608   1% /var/run                
rpool/export             46864        23     46841   1% /export                 
rpool/export/home        46864        23     46841   1% /export/home            
                         48710      5300     43410  11% /export/home/fred       
rpool                102155158        80 102155078   1% /rpool                  
root@cn03:~# !z                                                                 
zpool import cn03                                                               
cannot import 'cn03': one or more devices is currently unavailable              
        Destroy and re-create the pool from                                     
        a backup source.                                                        


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