On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions.  I think it would also depend on whether
> the nfs server has tried to write asynchronously to the pool in the
> meantime, which I am unsure how to test, other than making the txgs
> extremely frequent and watching the load on the log devices.

I didn't want to reboot the main file server to test this, so I used
zilstat on the backup nfs server (which has nearly identical hardware
and configuration, but doesn't have SSDs for a separate ZIL) to see if
I could estimate the difference it would make, and the story got
stranger: it wrote far less data to the ZIL for the same copy
operation (single 8GB file):

$ sudo ./zilstat -M -l 20 -p backuppool txg
waiting for txg commit...
       txg       N-MB     N-MB/s N-Max-Rate       B-MB     B-MB/s
B-Max-Rate    ops  <=4kB 4-32kB >=32kB
   2833307          1          0          1          1          0
    1     15      0      0     15
   2833308          0          0          0          0          0
    0      0      0      0      0
   2833309          1          0          1          1          0
    1      8      0      0      8
   2833310          0          0          0          0          0
    0      4      0      0      4
   2833311          1          0          0          1          0
    0      9      0      0      9
   2833312          0          0          0          0          0
    0      0      0      0      0
   2833313          2          0          2          2          0
    2     21      0      0     21
   2833314          7          1          7          8          1
    8     63      0      0     63
   2833315          1          0          1          2          0
    2     18      0      0     18
   2833316          0          0          0          0          0
    0      5      0      0      5

A small sample from the server with SSD log devices doing the same operation:

$ sudo ./zilstat -M -l 20 -p mainpool txg
waiting for txg commit...
       txg       N-MB     N-MB/s N-Max-Rate       B-MB     B-MB/s
B-Max-Rate    ops  <=4kB 4-32kB >=32kB
   2808483        989        197        593       1967        393
 1180  15010      0      0  15010
   2808484        599         99        208       1134        189
  393   8653      0      0   8653
   2808485          0          0          0          0          0
    0      0      0      0      0
   2808486        137         27        126        255         51
  235   1953      0      0   1953
   2808487        460         92        460        859        171
  859   6555      0      0   6555
   2808488        530         75        530       1031        147
 1031   7871      0      0   7871

Setting logbias=throughput makes the server with the SSD log devices
act the same as the server without them, as far as I can tell, which I
somewhat expected.  However, I did not expect use of separate log
devices to change how often ZIL ops are performed, other than to raise
the upper limit if the device can service more IOPS.  Additionally,
nfssvrtop showed a lower value for Com_t when not using the separate
log device (2.1s with logbias=latency, 0.24s with throughput).
Copying a folder with small files and subdirectories pushes the server
to ~400 ZIL ops per txg with logbias=throughput, so it shouldn't be
the device performance making it only issue ~15 ops per txg copying a
large file without using a separate log device.  I am thinking of
transplanting one of the SSDs temporarily for testing, but I would be
interested to know the cause of this behavior.  I don't know why more
asynchronous writes seem to be making it into txgs without being
caught by an nfs commit when a separate log device isn't used.

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