2012-10-14 17:51, Edward Ned Harvey (opensolarisisdeadlongliveopensolaris) wrote:
zpool create datapool \
mirror c0t0d0p2 c0t1d0p2 \
mirror c0t2d0p1 c0t3d0p1 \
mirror c0t2d0p2 c0t3d0p2 \
mirror c0t4d0p1 c0t5d0p1 \
mirror c0t4d0p2 c0t4d0p2

Add a spare?  A seventh disk, c0t6d0
Partition it.
add spare c0t6d0p1 spare c0t6d0p2

Kind of like what I also proposed. Now, just let's hope that when
a spare is needed, the big spare is not used for the small partition first ;)

(Now I do wonder if ZFS cares to take the smallest sufficient spare
to fix a vdev, if it has a choice of several?)

Also note that mirrors make it easier to fix mistakes like that -
you can demote a mirror component into a single disk and rearrange
components, while you won't be able to (easily) juggle leaf vdevs
on a raidzN set...

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