I use the Anchor Bible, which is of course much more of an investment (the series
isn't finished yet and it already fills 2 1/2 shelves of one of my Ikea
bookshelves). But that's a somewhat different model. I don't really have a
one-volume commentary like the Scofield Bible, but iirc I've seen this in Logos,
a Christian bookstore I used to frequent in Calgary, and in the Canadian Bible
Society bookstore near U of Alberta here in Edmonton, and that's a good model for
what we're trying to do, only from an LDS point of view.

I'll give you a kind of anecdotal example of why some people think we need
something like this. I have one volume of an AB-sized library of commentaries,
but just the volume on I Corinthians, to help me out in my own contribution to
the LDS Study Bible. The series is called "The New International Greek Testament
Commentary" (NIGTC) and the volume on I Corinthians was written by Anthony C.
Thiselton, a fairly respectable conservative Protestant scholar. The book is 1450
pp long.

While he admits that 15:29 (the verse on vicarious baptism) is "a notoriously
difficult crux: the most 'hotly disputed' in the epistle,..." he summarizes a
grand total of roughly 20 possible interpretations. All *possible*
interpretations, that is, except the right one, and the most direct one. This guy
gets the Biblicist Pretzel Award nomination from me this year, I gotta tell you.

We need stuff that, while it may not be on that level wrt scholarship (for one
thing the market would be limited), at least gives LDS a basic level of
understanding that the Gospel isn't only true and that the only way to know that
is through spiritual means, oh by the way, it just happens to make sense, too,
and you don't have to be ashamed or cowed by intellectuals.

Gary Smith wrote:

> I don't think they are actually changing the words. What they are doing,
> is putting a lot of textual information on the original Aramaic and
> Greek, and discussing certain ideas within the NT from an LDS apologetics
> point of view. This one won't be to replace your LDS scriptures. This one
> will be for home use, where you can get a better understanding of what
> each verse _really_ means. So, you get the KJV, and the scholarly
> commentary.
> If you've hung out in any Christian bookstores, you'll find similar
> books. My favorite amongst them has been the Scofield Bible, though it is
> quite an older commentary. Marc, which versions do you prefer?
> K'aya K'ama,
> Gerald/gary  Smith    gszion1 @juno.com    http://www
> .geocities.com/rameumptom/index.html
> "No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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