> Canada would beg for US assistance if their country was under attack by
> aliens from outer space. It could happen.

I don't think you are trying to be serious, but if aliens ever attacked, it would be 
the US asking Canada for a safe place to hide.  If Canada were being attacked there'd 
be absolutely nothing the US could do.

If, however, you are making an oblique reference to the fall of nukes, well, what good 
would it do to ask for US assistance?  The damage would already be done.  And the US 
couldn't stop the missiles in any case.  NMD will not work and will not be built.  

And, as I've said, no one is interested in nuking Canada.  We have the ultimate in 
stealth technology: a whole stealth _nation_. 

=========  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =========

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