> In the U.S. every voter registers for a party (or as an
> independent -- as I recall the rules vary considerably from

> This is not correct.

> Please don't interrupt.

Oops. My bad. I had thought this was John Redelfs' discussion list, not 
Marc Schindler's lecture hall. Silly me.

> If you read the whole post, I made clear that this was to
> vote in party conventions -- what you call primaries.

Wrong. Your first paragraph was: "Being a 'member' of a party in our 
Westminster system means something different than it does in the U.S. In 
the U.S. every voter registers for a party (or as an independent -- as I 
recall the rules vary considerably from state to state, as to how the 
states elect their delegates to the party national conventions). So to 
say that my late father was a Democrat means that he was registered as a 
Democrat. As it happens, this is pretty meaningless, because the vote is 
secret, and you can vote for whomever you like."

This paragraph clearly was referring to the general election, since you 
said affiliation was "meaningless" and that "you can vote for whomever 
you like", something not possible in primaries. Only in your next 
paragraph did you go on to discuss primaries.

Even if you had "made clear that this was to vote in...primaries", 
you're still wrong. In no sense is it true that "[i]n the U.S. every 
voter registers for a party (or as an independent)". A great many voters 
do not register under any affiliation whatsoever, and some states allow 
participation in primaries without a declared affiliation.

<tweak> Maybe you should read your own posts more carefully. 
Alternatively, you could admit when you're wrong...oh, never mind. No 
use dwelling in a land of fantasy. </tweak>

Tweakin' Stephen

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