I agree that there can be multiple meanings across the realm of sacred
literature. I am not as interested in the dictionary meaning as I am in the
meaning of its particular use in scripture. I would be very easy to simply
say that, since gentile, for example,  as multiple meanings, I can ignore
the message relating to that group in the scripture. There are specific
promises and warnings to the Jews, gentiles and to the house of Israel in
the scriptures. There are also messages about timing relative to the
reception of the gospel. Each of us must choose where we want to spend our

Right now, my original questions have particular interest to me. Given the
well-seasoned gospel veterans on this list, I probably sound quite
elementary. Sorry, sometimes for a slow learner like myself, I must take
slow deliberate steps and build 'line upon line'

Thanks for your insights,


Larry Jackson wrote:

Gentile has several meanings. The dictionary meaning
is anyone who is not a Jew. So when Jew and Gentile
are spoken of, many members fall into the Gentile group.

Gentile also is sometimes used to refer to those who are
not members of the Church. So when Saint and Gentile
are spoken of, members do not fall into the Gentile group.

So sometimes members are gentiles, and sometimes
they are not.

Larry Jackson

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