You hit the issue on the head. In one context, a word has a particular
meaning, in another something different. But, after the first scratch of the
surface, I can see that there are definite patterns. For example, in 1st
Nephi chapters 13-15, one can see a pattern of pre-restoration (1st Nephi
13:1-33), restoration ( 1st Nephi 13:34-42) and post restoration (1st Nephi
14) designations of gentiles. As can be expected, the restoration and
post-restoration are, I believe, inclusive of the members of the church.
That approach makes sense to me based of the blessings bestowed in the last
two sections relative to the Gentiles. It is also appropriate to consider
the warnings in those sections to be applicable to the members of the church
 Hope that helps.


-------Original Message-------

Date: Sunday, October 27, 2002 3:39:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Who is the House of Israel?

After reading your response to John, I had a thought (I know,
scary thing). Sometimes--in fact many times--in the scriptures and
doctrines of the church, one word does mean many different things. For
example--salvation and exaltation. Are they the same?? Sometimes
"Salvation" is used in a context to mean "Exaltation" but generally
speaking, and standing alone, they are not.

I think context is important as you make your list of relevant
scriptures. For instance, we are gentiles. Most of us have earth
origins that go back to Europe--or that is predominant in our genealogy.
However, we are adopted into the tribes of Israel by our righteousness.
That is what my patriarchal blessing tells me. I am of the tribe of
Ephraim. Am I a direct descendent of Ephraim? I doubt it. It's an
adoption thing.

In another context, the term gentile is meant to refer to the
worldly world--those who do not have the light of Christ.

end of thoughts

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