After much pondering, Marc A. Schindler favored us with:
The details in the story of the flood are undoubtedly drawn from the experiences of the writer. Under a downpour of rain, likened to the opening of the heavens, a destructive torrent twenty-six feet deep [12 metres] or deeper would easily be formed. The writer of Genesis made a faithful report of the facts known to him concerning the flood. In other localities the depth of the water might have been more or less. In fact, the details of the flood are not known to us.

I don't want to seem like I'm being critical of Elder Widtsoe, but is assuming that the "writer of Genesis" described the flood in his own language and experience. But as I have pointed out before, our Pearl of Great Price makes it clear the 5 books of Moses were revealed from heaven to Moses, not something he had to find words to describe because he saw them. Does anyone suppose that anyone who had a face-to-face relationship with God could be so naive as to misinterpret the Great Flood?

Laurie got offended that I used the word "puke." But to
me, that's what her dinner tasted like. --Jack Handy
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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