Oh. Should have added one more minor thing. "BoMor" is a contraction preferred by
Brent Metcalfe, who edited the book in which this paper appeared, and who likewise
does not believe in the historicity of the Book of Mormon -- Metcalfe was exxed I
think sometime after the infamous September Six. No big deal, just a stylism that
shows which "school" he belongs to. JWR might call it a "Signaturi tatoo" ;-)

"Marc A. Schindler" wrote:

> Perhaps this might help. Richley Crapo is an LDS anthropologist at Utah State
> (Logan). This is forwarded from Scripture-L with his permission:
> My initial reference is from information provided to me by Lou Midgley at BYU, and
> I also have his permission to quote him on Murphy's lack of professional
> credentials, relatively speaking (he's the head of anthropology at a small NW
> Washington state community college where the only other anthropology instructor is
> a part-timer).
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 30/11/02 13:19 PM >>>
> Perhaps we have a clue as to why a 35-year-old instructor at a community
> college has thusfar failed to achieve his PhD., despite having submitted
> several theses on various topics.  I'll ask you the same thing I asked
> Brant, Richley: do you mind if I forward this to a couple of apologetics
> lists I'm on?
> Richley Crapo wrote:
> > Brant,
> >
> > As an anthropologist and Book of Mormon scholar, can  you comment on:
> >
> > http://mormonscripturestudies.com/bomor/twm/lamgen.asp
> > -------
> > [Richley]
> > I'm not a BoM scholar, but I am an anthropologist. My assessment is
> > that the essay does an excellent job as a piece of anthropological
> > writing until he reaches the last three paragraphs, when the author
> > misconstrues what constitutes a "scientific perspective":
> >
> > "¶42 From a scientific perspective, the BoMor's origin is best
> > situated in early 19th century America, not ancient America.
> > -----
> > [Richley]
> > So far, so good.
> > -----
> >      There were no Lamanites prior to c. 1828 and dark skin is not a
> > physical trait of God's malediction. Native Americans do not need to
> > accept Christianity or the BoMor to know their own history. The BoMor
> > emerged from Joseph Smith's own struggles with his God. Mormons need
> > to look inward for spiritual validation and cease efforts to remake
> > Native Americans in their own image.
> > -------
> > [Richley]
> > Here, he drops the qualification that made the first sentence okay.
> > It's absence makes this part of the paragraph read as an absolute
> > assertion, something that science cannot make.  So, were I on his
> > dissertaion committee (and were this part of his dissertation), I
> > would require that he insert the appropriate qualifiers explicitly.
> > Scientific methods cannot prove that "there were no Lamanites prior to
> > c. 1828."  They can merely fail to support the claim that there were.
> > So saying that there were none overstates the case.
> >
> > The assertion that the BoM emerged from JS's mind (which I take
> > "struggles with his own God" to mean) is, by its nature, an assertion
> > that belongs to the magisterium of religion rather than science, since
> > it is a claim that about the truth-value of a *religious* belief
> > (i.e., that the BoM account of the origin of the Lamanites is untrue).
> >
> > The final sentence is a value judgement ("Mormons need to . . .") and
> > is, therefore, inherently not a scientific statement.
> > ------
> >      ¶43 In 1973, after weighing the overwhelming archaeological
> > evidence against an ancient origin for the BoMor, Michael Coe
> >      implored Latter-day Saints:  . . ."
> > -----
> > [Richley]
> > Here, the writer, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the
> > epistemology of science.  Science does not deal with evidence
> > "against" anything.  All evidence is "for" something.  Scientifically,
> > the writer is only entitled to say, "the overwhelming *lack* of
> > evidence for an ancient origin of the BoM  . . ."
> >
> > Jim Cobabe:
> >
> > Saturday, November 30, 2002
> >
> >
> > A graduate student at the University of Washington says
> > he likely will be excommunicated next week for articles he
> > has written questioning the validity of the Book of Mormon.
> >
> > Harold Stuart:
> >
> > I've actually read this guy's paper.  It's sad ...
> >
> > _______________
> >
> > Is there a link to the AP article (or others) or to the paper
> > itself?
> >
> > It is sad, but there will be questions at work this week,
> > and I would like to be up to speed on this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Larry Jackson
> >
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> --
> Marc A. Schindler
> Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland
> “Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
> himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill
> Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
> solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
> nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author solely;
its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor those of
any organization with which the author may be associated.

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///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

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