At 10:47 AM 7/16/2003, you wrote:
Steven Montgomery wrote:
Call it serendipity if you will, but while researching an entirely different subject I came across an article (See URL below) written by Richard O. Cowan, entitled, "The Great Temple of the New Jerusalem." While Cowan does not go into detail about the functions of the various temples involved, such as whether or not animal sacrifices will take place in certain temples, he does list the various temples and what groups will use them. Here is his list and then afterwards the URL:

Who is Richard O. Cowan? Is he LDS or RLDS? Just curious. --JWR

Hmm. A quick google search revealed that Richard O. Cowan must be LDS, as he was (Is?) a former BYU professor (who also happens to be blind) of Church History and Doctrine. He is also author of the book, _Temples to Dot the Earth_. Apparently this book, from a blurb on the book contains a "wealth of information on temples and temple work, beginning with an overview of temple worship in former dispensations and then recounting the temple story from the beginning of the Restoration through the twentieth century."

Here is a teacher profile on him from BYU:

Richard 0. Cowan

Dr. Richard O. Cowan was born in Los Angeles, California. He and his wife, Dawn, are the parents of six children.

He received his doctorate at Stanford University in American church history in 1961. In 1959 he was selected as one of four visually impaired students in the nation to receive a special award from President Eisenhower at the White House.

Dr. Cowan served a Spanish-speaking mission in Texas and New Mexico and has also been a member of a BYU stake presidency. For over a decade he served as the chairman of the committee which prepared the Gospel Doctrine Sunday School lessons for the Church.

He joined the BYU faculty in 1961, and four years later was chosen "Professor of the Year." He has written many articles for Church publications and has authored seven books including Temples to Dot the Earth and the recently released Latter-day Saint Century.

Dr. Cowan has presented "Education Week," "Know Your Religion," and other lectures throughout the United States, Canada, Northern Mexico, as well as Europe and has been a visiting professor at BYU's Jerusalem Center.

Steven Montgomery

Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter

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