On Sat, 19 Jul 2003 14:10:36 -0400 Scott McGee
> Paul Osborne wrote:
> ><<As far as this life being a nightmare?  (as was suggested) - that 
> does
> >not
> >seem like a loving Father at all.  I think that this life is a 
> wonderful
> >experience and every challenge only adds to the fun.  And the 
> small
> >challenges are only there to prepare us for the big one.>>
> >
> >
> >I don't agree with you George. Life can be a nightmare. Father in 
> Heaven
> >is loving but he also very mean.
> >  
> >
> Paul, that has to be one of the worst things I have ever heard you 
> say. 
> Our Father in Heaven is NOT mean. No more than a loving earthly 
> parent 
> who has to follow through with a promised punishment for deliberate 
> disobedience. He loves us far beyond our own comprehension. What you 
> perceive as meanness on His part is either the consequences of 
> disobedient actions of yours or those around you, or else is 
> challenges 
> He has given you for your own benefit.  These latter are for your 
> benefit and improvement and are given to you out of the Purest Love, 
> not 
> from meanness. If you really feel the way you wrote, I feel truly 
> sorry 
> for you.
> Scott

Ok, Scott-- I stand corrected. I should have used the word, STRICT. Does
that sound better? I think Father in Heaven is very loving but he is also

Paul O

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