Very good policy.


At 12:07 AM 11/06/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Well, John, I would agree with you there.  Bashing is not in the Christlike
action list of things to do.  I am commanded to love the bashers, but I
certainly don't have to either like them or tolerate being around them.

But I was referring to those who try, out of love, to help me be "saved."
My response of gratitude will go a lot further towards helping them
understand the true gospel than my shunning then.  In my highly Baptist
community, our Church has gained a fairly good reputation after decades of
good works, many of those works done in concert with those of other faiths.

So I try to separate the wheat from the chafe.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:09 PM
Subject: [ZION] Loving Mormon Bashers

> Jon Spencer wrote: > >It's hard not to love someone who loves the Lord, even if they don't have it > >all quite right. It's hard not to be grateful to someone who thinks enough > >of you to try to "save" you, even though they can't. > > Changing the subject, how is it that when an anti-Mormon bashes me for > being a member of the Church, and claims that he is doing it out of love > for me, I don't believe him? Love isn't just something claimed, it must be > felt by the object of that love. And I don't feel love from these > "activists" from other denominations. --JWR > > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // > /// ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at /// > /// /// > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / > > > > >

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