> Yes, yes, Till once had a bugeye Austin Healy Sprite*.  Absolute fun to
> drive.  The only drawbacks were the long gap between 2nd and 3rd gear, and
> the absence of side windows (had curtains) when it was cold.  Sure miss
> that little blue Frog!

I had a 1953 Healy 100.  It was a "sports car" of sorts, but it had a 4
banger 2800 cc engine and transmission out of a tractor.  You could climb up
the side of a building in first gear, maxing out at 4 MPH.  On top of that,
it had been raced.  It was amazing that none of the major body parts fell
off!  Well, one did, the right rear wheel.  The car had wire wheels with
knock-off hubs.  I was crusin' down Sunset Strip (literally) in 1965,
approaching a new druggy place at Sunset and Crescent Heights called
Pandora's Box.  The wheel came off the car, went behind the car, around the
front, and headed off down Crescent Heights (Sunset is up on the side of a
hill).  It ended up several blocks down the street, doing no damage.  The
car itself bounced up and nestled itself against the curb.

We came back the next evening to find that some of the druggies had moved
the car up onto the Pandora's Box property.  One of my friends went in to
find out who had been the Good Samaritan, and ended up being chased down the
street.  I got the car back, fixed it, and continued to drive it.  I finally
sold it when I went to USC.

Another fun thing about the car was that whoever owned it in the past had
re-wired it - all with gray wire!  Talk about trying to trace down a wire!
These older English cars had a penchant for bad wiring. I ran a lot of new
wires keeping the car legal.

But boy, was it fun to drive!  I especially loved those side draft carbs
that starved the engine on a hard right turn (the carbs - two dual barrel
carbs - were on the left side of the engine.)

Those were the days.  Let's see, what was the progression of sports cars
(with other non-entities in the middle)?  The Healy 100.  A Fiat X/19.  A
BMW 633.  Then kids.  Now a mini van.


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