Ron Scott wrote:
Ah, I'm less than semi-rational. I suppose I'll validate your name 
calling if I say I don't agree with you.  Not agreeing with you is prima 
facie evidence that I am less than semi-rational, right?

Not agreeing with me is evidence that we do not agree.  No surprise in 
that.  We can still talk, can't we?

It's possible that communism could be revived in some former republics 
of the USSR.

No dramatic "revival" would be required for many formerly communist 
countries.  Just a transition back to old familiar ways.

Isn't it rather academic that any socio-political group which believes 
communism is the best viable economic and political system could assume 
power.  Particularly in unstable countries where there is nothing 
competing for that niche.


In spite of your light dismissal, there are still plenty of folks in 
evidence even in this country who are devoted to Marxist ideals.  They 
would welcome another chance.

True enough. But the alternative to democracy isn't necessarily 

Oh?  You think monarchy or feudal fiefdom are still popular 
up-and-coming governments?

We'll please be specific about my speciousness, if it's not too much to 

Don't play dumb.  Your characterizations of Benson are nearly 
unanimously polemic.  Lableling him as "the icon of the right wing" can 
hardly be taken as an even-handed compliment by anyone.

I listen to him and many others.

Yes--there's listening, then there's listening.

You are putting words in my mouth, drawing inferences that have NO
BASIS IN FACT,Brother Jim.

Eh.  I only put words in my own mouth.  Yours is way too far away.


...whether theres a commy in every commode.

In your face, Ron.  This was your (obviously polemic) characterization.

Want to change the tone of the discussion?  Go ahead, I'll reciprocate.

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