Package "depth" has no impact on performance (at least that I've noticed). It's almost certainly not the primary reason for any given Python program to be slow. I'd like to read that blog entry to see if that person knows more than I do.

As far as eggs go, AFAIK, package depth is not really an interesting metric either. It seems immaterial how deep an egg package is.

- C

On Jan 23, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Tamas Hegedus wrote:


Somewhere I have red (in a blog) comparing java and python. If I remember well the main reason to write that was the Boa (?) constructor written by java programmers...

So: It states that Python packages should be as flat as possible (use less names in the namespace (?)), since the name space is resolved during running time not at compilation time in case of Python (or something like that; I am not a programmer). So if you have a deeply structured package (or more packages) you may suffer in performance at runtime. (Boa is very slow; although it is use also a lot of 'reflection'.)

What are you comments?
Do you have some experience with performance problem using eggs (or very 'deep' packages?

My point of view: it would be great to have ZODB, ZOE, ZCatalog in different eggs :-)


Chris McDonough wrote:
See the egg intro doc at PythonEggs .

Tamas Hegedus, PhD          | phone: (1) 919-966 0329
UNC - Biochem & Biophys     | fax:   (1) 919-966 5178
5007A Thurston-Bowles Bldg  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-7248 |

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