Andrew Dishong wrote:
Getting the following error after trying to uninstall a zone,any ideas?

[lab-15k-c]:~\ # zoneadm -z test1 uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall zone test1 (y/[n])? y
rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr/lib/cpu: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr/lib: File exists
rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr: File exists
rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root: File exists
zoneadm: zone 'test1': '/usr/bin/rm -rf' failed with exit code 2.

/usr/lib/cpu is not one of the files delivered by the base OS.
I am guessing this is a file you somehow added to your system
with some unbundled software.  Do you have an application running
in the global zone that has this file open?  If you have an
application running in the global zone that is opening a file
in the non-global zone that could be a serious security risk.

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