The Real Warren Belfer wrote:
Jerry Jelinek wrote:
Andrew Dishong wrote:
Getting the following error after trying to uninstall a zone,any ideas?

[lab-15k-c]:~\ # zoneadm -z test1 uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall zone test1 (y/[n])? y
rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr/lib/cpu: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr/lib: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root/usr: File exists
rm: Unable to remove directory /zonesHA/test1/test1/root: File exists
zoneadm: zone 'test1': '/usr/bin/rm -rf' failed with exit code 2.

/usr/lib/cpu is not one of the files delivered by the base OS.


Actually, it is - well it's not a file but a directory containing
cpu related libraries, like:

Thanks for the correction.  I didn't think to check the sparc-specific

I would be more inclined to see if anything was loopback
(or otherwise) mounted into that directory from somewhere.

Yes, that could be another reason the removal fails.

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