Yes, John, that's my understanding too - zonecfg is supposed delete both
the entry in the index file, and the xml. But, somehow we ended with
this awkward status. It makes sense to me if zonecfg detects such
status, to send one extra "Status missing - are you sure to
delete?"-type of message, and remove the xml... It looks like there is
no logic in the code of zonecfg for the cases when there is trouble with
the index file...

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Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 10:25 AM
To: Yanakiev, Vladimir
Subject: Re: [zones-discuss] zonecfg question

While I don't have a reason why the index entry is missing
I'd just like to add that the index entry stays until a delete occurs.
    zonecfg -z xxx delete


Yanakiev, Vladimir wrote: 

        No, there are no Veritas products on this server:
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] pkginfo |grep VRTS
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] zfs list |grep z5
        DG1/demo              24.5K  63.2G  24.5K
        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:48 AM
        To: Yanakiev, Vladimir
        Subject: Re: [zones-discuss] zonecfg question
        Yanakiev, Vladimir wrote:

                That was my first question - I can not figure out how
this did


                We have the xml, but the entry in the index file is
missing. Maybe,


                zoneadm -z...delete command got interrupted in the
middle?... Fixing


                problem by deleting the file is obvious, but the second
question is,
                isn't it more adequate zonecfg to be able to handle this
set problems?
                Isn't it better the -F option to disregard the status
(or, the lack of
                it at all)? If we agree that this is not correct action,
we have to



        hmm, hard to tell what happened I guess.
        the zoneadm delete was run was it?
        or is this some kind of say veritas cluster env, where the
zonecfg did 
        not get propogated to the node in question?
        I'm not in development, but I'd tend to agree that if such an 
        inconsistency is detected, it would be good if we could somehow
        the cleanup. But I'd let zones dev comment more on that one.

                -----Original Message-----
                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:31 AM
                To: Yanakiev, Vladimir
                Cc: Mike Gerdts;
                Subject: Re: [zones-discuss] zonecfg question
                Yanakiev, Vladimir wrote:

                        Here it is:
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] zoneadm list -cv
                          ID NAME             STATUS         PATH

                           0 global           running        /

                           1 labv490-01z3     running
                           2 labv490-01z2     running
                           4 labv490wsz2      running
                           5 labv490wsz3      running
                           6 labv490-01z1     running
                           7 labv490wsz1      running
                           8 labv490-01z6     running
                          16 labv490-01z7     running
                          43 labv490-01z4     running
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        As you can see, because the index file doesn't
have info for the


                        zoneadm will report nothing about it!

                Ok, wasn't aware of this problem :-)
                Any idea on how this occurred, i.e. steps taken to
create the zonecfg 
                for the zone without the index file getting updated, is
this in a 
                veritas cluster by any chance?
                Is there an xml file in /etc/zones for labv490-01z5?
                If not one could run zonecfg to create one, otherwise
the only route I


                can see is to update the index file manually ( need to
be careful here


                to include a reference to the missing zone, then retry.
                But I'd be interested in why this missing entry occurred
to start



                        -----Original Message-----
                        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:16 AM
                        To: Yanakiev, Vladimir
                        Cc: Mike Gerdts;
                        Subject: Re: [zones-discuss] zonecfg question
                        What does zonadm -z labv490-01z5 have to say, ie
is the zone in a


                        other than installed?
                        so the complete steps for an installed zone are:
                        zoneadm list -cv ( just to see zone state )
                        zoneadm -z labv490-01z5 halt  ( if not in
installed state )
                        zoneadm -z labv490-01z5 uninstall -F
                        zonecfg -z labv490-01z5 delete -F
                        if above fails then give the complete output
from above commands, 
                        including the zoneadm list -cv.
                        Yanakiev, Vladimir wrote:

                                Here is the output:
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] zonecfg -z labv490-01z5
delete -F
                                labv490-01z5: Zone state is invalid for
the requested operation
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: Mike Gerdts
                                Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 5:30 PM
                                To: Yanakiev, Vladimir
                                Subject: Re: [zones-discuss] zonecfg
                                On 8/1/07, Yanakiev, Vladimir


                                [EMAIL PROTECTED] zonecfg -F -z
labv490-01z5 delete
                                zonecfg: illegal option -- F
                                usage:  zonecfg help
                                        zonecfg -z <zone>
                                        zonecfg -z <zone> <command>
                                        zonecfg -z <zone> -f
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                                Try this:
                                zonecfg -z labv490-01z5 delete -F

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