Thanks for your answer, I might be missing something obvious, but how  
can I add this route ?

(global zone) # route add default xx.121.41.254
add net default: gateway xx.121.41.254: Network is unreachable


On Jun 4, 2008, at 8:02 AM, Erik Nordmark wrote:

> Alain Durand wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thanks for your answer, there is indeed something different in the  
>> routing tables :
>> - With the IP alias :
>> Routing Table: IPv4
>>  Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use      
>> Interface -------------------- -------------------- ----- -----  
>> ---------- --------- default              xx.121.24.254         
>> UG        1        309           xx.121.24.0          xx. 
>> 121.24.211        U         1         15 vfe0      xx. 
>> 121.41.77         xx.121.41.77         UH        1          0  
>> vfe0:1            xx.121.24.211        U          
>> 1          0 vfe0               
>> UH        1          0 lo0    - With the zone :
>> Routing Table: IPv4
>>  Destination           Gateway           Flags  Ref     Use      
>> Interface -------------------- -------------------- ----- -----  
>> ---------- --------- default              xx.121.24.254         
>> UG        1        314           xx.121.24.0          xx. 
>> 121.24.211        U         1         15 vfe0       
>>            xx.121.24.211        U         1          0  
>> vfe0              UH         
>> 1          0 lo0
> That is netstat -rn in the global zone, I assume.
> If you do netstat -rn in the non-global zone you will see that the  
> xx.121.41.77 is indeed there. BUT that zone will not see a default  
> route. This is because the only default route is for the 24 subnet.  
> You need to add an additional default route in the global zone which  
> has a gateway in the 41 subnet.
>   Erik

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