Le 7 déc. 08 à 18:26, Ian Matchett a écrit :

> Thanks
> However will prstat -Z tell me much in the zone?

Good question.
I need to check.

> Basic problem is the user did not know he was in a zone.
> Told me he had 32GB RAM.
> Sort of true...

> Nicolas Dorfsman wrote:
>>    Hi Ian,
>> Le 7 déc. 08 à 17:15, Ian Matchett a écrit :
>>> On Solaris 8/07 a customer is running in a zone but java 1.5 is  
>>> getting
>>> out of memory error.
>>> Top shows 32GB RAM and 5GB free.
>> Did you check the JVM memory parameter ?
>> In 80% cases, java out-of-memory error are due to too short JVM,  
>> which is configured independently than the physical machine.
>>> Even Java -version get this error.
>> Huh. Ok. So it should be something else... :)
>>> Can we run zonestat on Solaris 10?
>>> If not what commands inside a zone can we used to figure
>>> free RAM and swap.
>>> and free CPU cycles.
>>> What commands should we get the sysadmin run in the global zone to
>>> understand the system  and zonecfg?
>> Check prstat -Z
>> Nicolas
>> 01010101 01001110 01001001 01011000
>> Nicolas Dorfsman
>> Phone: +33 6 7981 4486
>> GoogleTalk/jabber : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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