Apps that attempt to acquire a large amount of data on startup can fail to start properly if ZFS does not free
up the memory fast enough.  I have observed this with Directory Server.  The best approach that I have 
found is to understand how you want RAM used on the system and then configure the ZFS ARC and 
respective applications to use set amounts such that there is no overlap between them.  See the relevant
sections from my blog post on filesystem caching strategies for more information.


Brad Diggs | Principal Security Sales Consultant | +1.972.814.3698
Oracle North America Technology Organization
16000 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, TX 75248

On Jun 4, 2010, at 1:47 PM, James Carlson wrote:

Ketan wrote:
Let me know what command you want me to run on it for kstat  /truss  

as per kstat zfs:0:zrcstats:size the size is approximately 40G

Since there are a bunch of ways that the problem that Jason King was
describing could manifest, I think the only way to do this would be to
get the system in a state where Fusion consistently fails to run, and
then start it up with:

truss -fo /tmp/fusion.out fusion-command-and-args...

You'd then have to grovel through the /tmp/fusion.out and find out what
leads up to the failure and see if there's anything suspicious there.

Since Fusion is Oracle and OpenSolaris and ZFS are Oracle, maybe there's
another possibility.  This could be one of those cases where that
hoped-for "synergy" might kick in.  ;-}

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>
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