On Tue 06 Sep 2011 at 03:00PM, "Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao ??) Ph.D." wrote:
> I just did the same on s10u9 vbox
> bash-3.00# zfs list
> bash-3.00# zoneadm -z test1 install

If zoneadm creates a dataset for this zone, at this point you would see:

  A ZFS file system has been created for this zone.

> Preparing to install zone <test1>.
> Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
> Copying <16658> files to the zone.
> Initializing zone product registry.
> Determining zone package initialization order.
> Preparing to initialize <1128> packages on the zone.
> Initialized <1128> packages on zone.
> Zone <test1> is initialized.
> The file </zones/roots/test1/root/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log>
> contains a log of the zone installation.

Solaris 10 allows zones to have their own ZFS datasets.  Solaris 11
Express and OpenSolaris require zones to have their own ZFS datasets.
The error messages provided by the original poster (and the prompt)
suggest that Solaris 11 Express or a previous release of OpenSolaris was

> On 9/6/2011 1:39 PM, Mike Gerdts wrote:
> >On Tue 06 Sep 2011 at 10:09AM, Jeremy Loukinas wrote:
> >>First:
> >>root@opensolaris:~# zfs mount
> >>rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1        /
> >>rpool/export                    /export
> >>rpool/export/home               /export/home
> >>rpool                           /rpool
> >>zpool/zones                     /zones
> >>zpool                           /zpool
> >>root@opensolaris:~#
> >>
> >>Second:
> >>
> >>root@opensolaris:~# zonecfg -z test2
> >>test2: No such zone configured
> >>Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone.
> >>zonecfg:test2>  create
> >>zonecfg:test2>  set zonepath=/zones/roots/test2
> >>zonecfg:test2>  exit
> >>root@opensolaris:~# zoneadm -z test2 install
> >>ERROR: the zonepath must be a ZFS dataset.
> >>The parent directory of the zonepath must be a ZFS dataset so that the
> >>zonepath ZFS dataset can be created properly.
> >>root@opensolaris:~#
> >>
> >>Am i missing something here? I found another post but it was from someone 
> >>trying to create a zone in rpool..
> >If you did:
> >
> >     zonecfg -z test2 'set zonepath=/zones/test2'
> >
> >all would be well.  Alternatively, if you really want the zonepath to
> >/zones/roots/test2:
> >
> >     zfs create zones/roots
> >

> begin:vcard
> fn:Hung-Sheng Tsao (LaoTsao) , Ph.D.
> n:Tsao;Hung-Sheng 
> org:HopBit GridComputing LLC
> adr:;;17 jade ln;Denville;NJ;07834;USA
> email;internet:laot...@gmail.com
> title:Founder and Principal
> tel;cell:9734950840
> note;quoted-printable:HopBit GridComputing=0D=0A=
>       =0D=0A=
>       HPC: Arch and deaign and setup=0D=0A=
>       Rockscluster:Setup and Configuration=0D=0A=
>       Oracle GridEngine:Setup and Configuration=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Cluster: Arch and Design=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Solaris: Jumpstart, Zone etc=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Exadata, Exalogic, SPARc Supercluster Arch and Design=0D=0A=
> url:http://laotsao.wordpress.com/
> version:2.1
> end:vcard

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Mike Gerdts
Solaris Core OS / Zones
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