On Tue 06 Sep 2011 at 04:37PM, "Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao ??) Ph.D." wrote:
> current s10 zone user will not  be unhappy when  move to s11
> 1)there is no sparse zone in s11 (yet)
> 2)there is no v2v from s10 zone to s11 zone (yet)

That is not correct.


> 3)zfs dataset requirement

How does this negatively impact you or other users?  As of Solaris 11
Express, this requirement means that you have to run 'zfs create' once
to create a ZFS filesystem that will be the parent of an arbitrry number
of zones.

I personally would not advocate a configuration where each zone is not
on its own file system because a disk hog in one zone can deny service
to other zones.  While I was working for a Fortune 10 company and
introduced zones early in Solaris 10's life, I ensured that every zone
had its own file system on a SVM soft partition.  This approach worked
well for many years, but took a significant amount of effort to
automate.  The integration of ZFS and Zones simplifies this type of
architecture greatly.

A reason that it is of great benefit is that with the new way it
is possible to create boot environments for each zone using ZFS clones.
The beadm + ZFS + Zones integration is much better than Solaris 10's
Live Uprade + ZFS + Zones.  Once Solaris 11 is released, I'll be happy
to talk about some other benefits of this new requirement.

> 4)people just does not like changes

I think that is extreme.  People that don't like changes should probably
stick to old-world trades such as blacksmithing.  People that work in
any technology-driven business depend on change to make their operations
more efficient, to serve more customers, to improve their own products,
etc.  Change without reason is bad.  Change that offers benefits is

If you don't want to endure the change that Solaris 11 has to offer,
Solaris 10 is still available and will continue to be available for
quite some time - there is nothing forcing anyone off of Solaris 10 for
the next several years.

> My 2c
> On 9/6/2011 3:33 PM, Frank Batschulat wrote:
> >On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:27:40 +0200, LaoTsao <laot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>interesting, IMHO, this type of change will make many many s10
> >>users unhappy
> >
> >I assume you are refering to Mike's response that zones require their own
> >seperate ZFS dataset going forward ? if so can you give some reasons
> >why this would make current s10 users unhappy when switching ?
> >
> >
> >thanks

> begin:vcard
> fn:Hung-Sheng Tsao (LaoTsao) , Ph.D.
> n:Tsao;Hung-Sheng 
> org:HopBit GridComputing LLC
> adr:;;17 jade ln;Denville;NJ;07834;USA
> email;internet:laot...@gmail.com
> title:Founder and Principal
> tel;cell:9734950840
> note;quoted-printable:HopBit GridComputing=0D=0A=
>       =0D=0A=
>       HPC: Arch and deaign and setup=0D=0A=
>       Rockscluster:Setup and Configuration=0D=0A=
>       Oracle GridEngine:Setup and Configuration=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Cluster: Arch and Design=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Solaris: Jumpstart, Zone etc=0D=0A=
>       Oracle Exadata, Exalogic, SPARc Supercluster Arch and Design=0D=0A=
> url:http://laotsao.wordpress.com/
> version:2.1
> end:vcard

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Mike Gerdts
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