I'm not very familiar with ec2 environment, are you doing any monitoring? In particular network connectivity btw nodes? Sounds like networking issues btw nodes (I'm assuming you've also looked at stuff like this http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/Troubleshooting and verified that you are not swapping (see gc pressure), etc...)


Satish Bhatti wrote:
Session timeout is 30 seconds.

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Patrick Hunt <ph...@apache.org> wrote:

What is your client timeout? It may be too low.

also see this section on handling recoverable errors:

connection loss in particular needs special care since:
"When a ZooKeeper client loses a connection to the ZooKeeper server there
may be some requests in flight; we don't know where they were in their
flight at the time of the connection loss. "


Satish Bhatti wrote:

I have recently started running on EC2 and am seeing quite a few
ConnectionLoss exceptions.  Should I just catch these and retry?  Since I
assume that eventually, if the shit truly hits the fan, I will get a

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>

 We have used EC2 quite a bit for ZK.
The basic lessons that I have learned include:

a) EC2's biggest advantage after scaling and elasticity was conformity of
configuration.  Since you are bringing machines up and down all the time,
they begin to act more like programs and you wind up with boot scripts
give you a very predictable environment.  Nice.

b) EC2 interconnect has a lot more going on than in a dedicated VLAN.
can make the ZK servers appear a bit less connected.  You have to plan
ConnectionLoss events.

c) for highest reliability, I switched to large instances.  On
think that was helpful, but less important than I thought at the time.

d) increasing and decreasing cluster size is nearly painless and is
scriptable.  To decrease, do a rolling update on the survivors to update
their configuration.  Then take down the instance you want to lose.  To
increase, do a rolling update starting with the new instances to update
configuration to include all of the machines.  The rolling update should
bounce each ZK with several seconds between each bounce.  Rescaling the
cluster takes less than a minute which makes it comparable to EC2
boot time (about 30 seconds for the Alestic ubuntu instance that we used
plus about 20 seconds for additional configuration).

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:45 AM, David Graf <david.g...@28msec.com>

I wanna set up a zookeeper ensemble on amazon's ec2 service. In my


zookeeper is used to run a locking service and to generate unique id's.
Currently, for testing purposes, I am only running one instance. Now, I


to set up an ensemble to protect my system against crashes.
The ec2 services has some differences to a normal server farm. E.g. the
data saved on the file system of an ec2 instance is lost if the instance
crashes. In the documentation of zookeeper, I have read that zookeeper


snapshots of the in-memory data in the file system. Is that needed for
recovery? Logically, it would be much easier for me if this is not the


Additionally, ec2 brings the advantage that serves can be switch on and


dynamically dependent on the load, traffic, etc. Can this advantage be
utilized for a zookeeper ensemble? Is it possible to add a zookeeper


dynamically to an ensemble? E.g. dependent on the in-memory load?


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