I would suggest that you create a jira with the config files and your data directories attached as a compressed archive. We can take a look and pinpoint the issue. Also detail the release and command line you are using to start the cluster.



Mark Vigeant wrote:
So I'm trying to get zookeeper to run again, but even though I created a file entitled 
"myid" and saved in the specified DataDir, the error I get when trying to run 
it is

2009-10-22 15:58:31, 830 FATAL [main:quorumpeerm...@82] - Invalid config, 
exiting abnormally
<then it lists the methods/classes affected>
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: home/hadoop/zookeeper/myid file 
is missing

The file contains the number 1 and nothing else. My other node has the number 2 
(I only have 2 machines right now, I know it makes more sense to run an odd 
number of zookeeper nodes but I just want to make sure it works first). Any 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Vigeant [mailto:mark.vige...@riskmetrics.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:43 AM
To: zookeeper-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: RE: Cluster Configuration Issues

Thank you guys for all of your immediate help!

My machines are currently down for other reasons so I'll be able to try things 
again, send out the errors I'm getting and such in a day or so (hopefully!)

thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Hunt [mailto:ph...@apache.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 1:55 PM
To: zookeeper-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: Cluster Configuration Issues

You might try my ZooKeeper configuration generator if you have python handy: http://bit.ly/mBEcF

The main issue that I see with your config is that each config file needs to contain a list of all the servers in the ensemble:


where the "myid" file in the data dir for each hostX corresponds to it's server id (so myid=1 on host1, myid=2 on host2, etc...)


Mark Vigeant wrote:

So I'm trying to run hbase on 4 nodes, and in order to do that I need to run 
zookeeper in replicated mode (I could have hbase run the quorum for me, but 
it's suggested that I don't).

I have an issue though.  For some reason the id I'm assigning each server in the file 
"myid" in the assigned data directory is not getting read. I feel like another 
id is being created and put somewhere else. Does anyone have any tips on starting a 
zookeeper quorum? Do I create the myid file myself or do I edit one once it is created by 

This is what my  config looks like:

The name of my machine is hadoop1, with user name hadoop. In 
/home/hadoop/zookeeper I've created a myid file with the number 1 in it.

Mark Vigeant
RiskMetrics Group, Inc.

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