Hi David,

We did discuss potentially doing this as well.  It would be nice to get some
recipes for Zookeeper done for this area, if people think it's useful.  Were
you thinking of submitting this back as a recipe, if not then I could
potentially work on such a recipe instead.

Many thanks,

> I just ran into this exact situation, and handled it like so:
> I wrote a library that uses the option (b) you described above.  Only
> instead of requesting a single sequence number, you request a block of them
> at a time from Zookeeper, and then locally use them up one by one from the
> block you retrieved.  Retrieving by block (e.g., by blocks of 10000 at a
> time) eliminates the contention issue.
> Then, if you're finished assigning ID's from that block, but still have a
> bunch of ID's left in the block, the library has another function to "push
> back" the unused ID's.  They'll then get pulled again in the next block
> retrieval.
> We don't actually have this code running in production yet, so I can't
> vouch for how well it works.  But the design was reviewed and given the
> thumbs up by the core developers on the team, and the implementation passes
> all my unit tests.
> HTH.  Feel free to email back with specific questions if you'd like more
> details.
> DR

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