OK, will do, as soon as time permits. It'll take me a little while to do the needed tweaks. (Plus I'm under some pretty heavy deadline on some other work right now.) Will email back once I've got this done.


On 08/10/2010 01:10 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

Basic details are here (create a jira, attach a patch, click "submit"
and someone will review and help you get it into a state which we can
commit). Probably you'd put your code into src/recipes or src/contrib
(recipes sounds reasonable).


On 08/10/2010 09:59 AM, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Good news! I got approval to release this code! (Man, I love working
for a startup!!!) :-)

So anyone know: what's the next step? Do I need to obtain commit
privileges? Or do I deliver the code to someone who has commit privs who
shepherds this for me?

Also, what (if anything) do I need to tweak in the code to make it
release-ready. (e.g., Change package names? Slap an Apache license on
it? etc.)



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