Am not sure, if anyone responded to this or not. Are the clients getting
session expired or getting Connectionloss?
In any case, zookeeper client has its own thread to updated the server with
active connection status. Did you take a look at the GC activity at your


On 9/21/10 8:24 AM, "Tim Robertson" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am seeing a lot of my clients being kicked out after the 10 minute
> negotiated timeout is exceeded.
> My clients are each a JVM (around 100 running on a machine) which are
> doing web crawling of specific endpoints and handling the response XML
> - so they do wait around for 3-4 minutes on HTTP timeouts, but
> certainly not 10 mins.
> I am just prototyping right now on a 2xquad core mac pro with 12GB
> memory, and the 100 child processes only get -Xmx64m and I don't see
> my machine exhausted.
> Do my clients need to do anything in order to initiate keep alive
> heart beats or should this be automatic (I thought the ticktime would
> dictate this)?
> # my conf is:
> tickTime=2000
> dataDir=/Volumes/Data/zookeeper
> clientPort=2181
> maxClientCnxns=10000
> minSessionTimeout=4000
> maxSessionTimeout=800000
> Thanks for any pointers to this newbie,
> Tim

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