
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 1:57 PM, 
> yuppie<y.2011-E2EsyBC0hj3+aS/vkh9...@public.gmane.org>  wrote:
>> I plan to use zope.globalrequest as fallback if self.REQUEST is not
>> available.
>> What's the best approach for the five.globalrequest dependency? Just use
>> zope.globalrequest if it is available? Or specify it in extras_require?
>> Or add it to install_requires, making it an indirect dependency of the
>> next Zope 2.13 release?
> Adding it to the setup.py of what project?

I meant Products.ZCatalog.

> I consider using zope.globalrequest as a feature change - primarily
> because its interaction with tests is a bit unclear. Introducing more
> module global state for the request variable will probably lead to
> some changes to test isolation code somewhere.
> So in Zope itself, this can only go into trunk. For CMF 2.3, I'd just
> put it as a hard dependency into install_requires.

Ok. Products.CMFCore trunk already has a hard dependency.

My checkin for Products.ZCatalog has an optional dependency on 
five.globalrequest. If five.globalrequest is not installed, 
Products.ZCatalog behaves exactly as before. I hope we don't need a 
Products.ZCatalog 2.14 release for that. Zope 2.13 can use it without 

See http://svn.zope.org/?rev=122892&view=rev

Is that ok? Should I add an explicit extra in the setup.py of 


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