Florent Guillaume wrote:
Richard wrote:

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 06:54 am, Aruna Kathiria wrote:

I did some work regarding SOAP support on ZOPE and published this
document on zope.org.

Is there really no interest in getting SOAP support into the Zope core? I've got a guy working on some Microsoft Word stuff at the moment, and he was dumbfounded when he discovered that Zope doesn't support SOAP. In his words, "everyone supports SOAP". Sigh :)

There is probably interest, but it needs motivated people like Aruna and
you to push it.

Are there any objections to getting Aruna's patches into the 2.8
codebase? I'd be willing to do the work - but note I know practically
nothing about SOAP - I just want to be able to use it.

One problem is that Aruna's approach introduces dependencies to external
modules: fpconst, and a patched SOAPy. If these can be resolved, why

Because of those dependencies, I think support "in the core" is not feasible. However, I believe that it should be possible to create a product which solves those issues. This product would either need to monkey-patch the publisher (as outlined by John Zinit earlier in the thread) or else register a new kind of server, which could be configured (like the WebDAV source server) to listen on its own port.

For an example of such a Product, see "ZServerSSL",

Tres Seaver                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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