Jodok Batlogg wrote at 2007-10-7 12:09 +0200:
>it seems like we're going to deploy a pretty big installation on a  
>combination of solaris / RHEL servers.
>the data storage of our application is based on ZODB (ZEO) and  
>PostgreSQL (with STORM) plus NFS for extfile handling.
>so far it's planned to deploy ZEO, PostgreSQL and NFS on a fully  
>redundant SUN Fire 440 with Solaris connected to a Hitachi/Sun  
>StorEdge 9990 SAN.
>i know ZOPE has/had some issues on Solaris ( 
>Members/glpb/solaris) we're talking about ZEO/PostgreSQL only...

We are using Solaris in our backend (to run several ZEOs, postgres and NFS).
Up to now, there have been no Solaris related problems.

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