--On 8. Oktober 2007 08:48:54 +0200 Jodok Batlogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 07.10.2007, at 21:42, Dieter Maurer wrote:

Jodok Batlogg wrote at 2007-10-7 12:09 +0200:

it seems like we're going to deploy a pretty big installation on a
combination of solaris / RHEL servers.
the data storage of our application is based on ZODB (ZEO) and
PostgreSQL (with STORM) plus NFS for extfile handling.
so far it's planned to deploy ZEO, PostgreSQL and NFS on a fully
redundant SUN Fire 440 with Solaris connected to a Hitachi/Sun
StorEdge 9990 SAN.
i know ZOPE has/had some issues on Solaris (http://www.zope.org/
Members/glpb/solaris) we're talking about ZEO/PostgreSQL only...

We are using Solaris in our backend (to run several ZEOs, postgres
and NFS).
Up to now, there have been no Solaris related problems.

do you know about the performance? if you compare a modern, fast linux
server - connected to the SAN as well?
i think the solaris machine will perform well if you need to run multiple

Since ZEO is mostly IO-bound. Decent Sun hardware I've worked with was not much slower or faster than decent Linux systems. If you have multiple ZEO servers consider using dedicated drives in case of a setup with high IO.
But this applies to Linux as well..


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