--On 31. Oktober 2007 22:00:46 -0700 Alexander Limi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 21:29:36 -0700, Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The recommendation is still "System python is evil, evil, evil" (quoting

Sure, but if you ever want to be able to tell users to do:

easy_install plone

Would be fine but as long as several distros contain brain-dead or castrated Python installations there is little we can do - even if we would support
Python 2.5.

to get their Plone site, it's a necessary evil evil evil. ;)

We generally encourage not to use the system Python in everything we ship
(Windows, Mac and Unified installers all ship their own Python) — but I
really hope we won't be stuck with Python 2.4 after the world has moved
on to Python 2.5 and 2.6.

Bring the word to the Python packagers.

I agree that for proper deployments, you shouldn't use the system Python,
but there's the case of letting people get started with Plone easily from
their Ubuntu or Mac OS X (Leopard ships with Python 2.5 and easy_install
by default) — we should be able to let them do that too.

See above. Stepping forward with Python 2.5/2.6 support would be fine but it basically does not solve the problem that system python installation are often broken. Installation a Python from the sources is usually much more faster than trying to figure out why a system python is broken once more.

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