On 21 Apr 2008, at 11:53 , Martin Aspeli wrote:
- "Projects" gives an explanation of how the different Zope projects fit together (Zope 2, Zope 3, Grok, CMF, ZODB). Each is then given a subfolder that contains a standard structure: A front page that explains the project in more detail, "Get" (downloads), "Taste" (as above, but for a particular
project) and "Learn". The "Learn" section should contain relevant,
up-to-date documentation.


Each project should have it's own site. Like Grok has today. The
Projects page which explains what they are and how they fit together
is fine, but the different subparts will necessarily have to be
maintained by slightly different people with slightly different

We can set up rules so that both zope.org/Projects/grok and
grok.zope.org point to the same physical place, but it is extremely
important that we do not, once again, try to make a monolithic

Microsites, microsites, microsites!

Does it really matter whether a microsite lives in
zope.org/projects/zodb or zodb.zope.org?

If you look at the projects now, they each have a common set of
sections - download, examples, documentation - and will be allowed to
evolve independently. They also have the option of having some
specific branding (logo, tag-line etc) as required.

If anyone steps up and wants to maintain a separate site for one of
the projects, then all the better. However, it is hard enough to get
contributors as-is, so I'm loth to do anything that increases the
maintenance or setup burden in any way until we have at least the
basics in place.

I agree with Martin. We need to stop the balkanization of Zope-the- brand. Yes, we have many individual projects, but we need a coherent image to the outside world. Microsites was a good idea to get foundation site and the Grok site up and running *before* tackling zope.org, but in the long run, we need coherence.

Also, to be honest, I don't find the design of the new Grok website very attractive. And the foundation site is simple enough to be folded back into the main site.

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