Hi Andreas
> Betreff: Re: [Zope-dev] Dependencies and future of zope 3
> --On 3. September 2008 08:04:00 +0200 Lennart Regebro 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 02:54, David Pratt 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> In any case I am interested in
> >> hearing from folks about what can or ought to be done or whether 
> >> there is interest in this direction. Many thanks.
> >
> > That the packages are too dependent on each other today, 
> and that this 
> > means a base installation of Zope3 is too big is well known. So I 
> > think I can definitely say "Yes" to that answer.
> This is a big issue? I don't think so. Disks are cheap and 
> usually you don't get in touch with the dependent modules 
> under the hood - except for debugging :-)

That's not so simple, we have some bad dependencies which get
touched. Because some packages offer components which we use
in other packages, but the core implementation of such a package
get replaced by another package. e.g. IPasswordManager in 
zope.app.authentication get used but not the IAuthentication 
utility if you use z3c.authentication.

Or ITerms from zope.app.form get used if you like to implement
a widget in z3c.form but you don't need to use something else
from zope.app.form.

I think the cleanup isn't really needed for zope packages itself.
It's more a question how other can reuse small parts of our
component architecture without to load everything.

My personal meaning is, we already have a component architecture
but we need to split it in a different way into reusable components.
Such a split could probably not be done earlier because we didn't
see all the usecases. But now since we have grok, repoze and z3c 
we have many more options to reuse other components and this makes
it much clearer what we have to provide as reusable and what not. 

Roger Ineichen

> -aj

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