Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> Here's a list of things I'd like to see in a 2.12 release:
>> - Official Python 2.5 and 2.6 support (almost done, requires a community
>> decision on when we call RestricedPython supported and reviewed)
> +1 for 2.5;  I'm pretty sure 2.6 is not there yet, and may be too hard
> to aim for in one release.

Let me explain why I'd like to aim for Python 2.6 as a supported version
from a Plone perspective.

Plone's roadmap including true major versions looks like this:

1.0 - February 2003
2.1 - September 2005
3.0 - August 2007
4.0 - maybe late 2009
5.0 - not likely before 2011

My guesstimate says, we are going to release major new versions about
every two years. This is a wild guesstimate but the best I have today.
In addition I don't see us moving to new Python versions outside of
those major version changes.

>From my point of view it is desirable for us to be able to run Plone 4.0
based on Python 2.6 in about a year and use it as a stable version
throughout 2010 and 2011.

By that time we will be three years after the release of Python 3. I'd
like to be able to use those years to prepare our codebase for Python 3
and have a possibility to use it for Plone 5. Python 2.6 will give us
the chance of preparing for that move.

Maybe I'm going to be wrong and we will move to yearly major releases,
maybe Plone dies, Python 3 is not adopted by anyone. All possible, but
based on the knowledge I have today, not moving to Python 2.6 for the
next major Plone version will leave us behind in a Python world, which
has moved on.

>From a Zope perspective 2.11 should have had Python 2.5 support, but
nobody cared enough to make it happen. We can support Python 2.4 and 2.5
alone in Zope 2.12 and release it in the next months.

In that case Plone will neither use 2.11 nor 2.12 but go straight for a
Zope 2.13 including Python 2.6. A major release every six month would be
desirable for us in that case. Right now I don't see anyone, who would
be using those releases. If those people exist, please speak up.


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